Our cases

Modular houses sale for 60,000 EUR each

Our case study on selling modular homes in the Czech Republic showcases an effective digital marketing strategy tailored to engage with the target audience through four touchpoints in advertising. Leveraging tools like Google Ads and Meta Ads, we optimized our ad creatives to achieve a remarkable 4% click-through rate (CTR) by tailoring them for conversions on our website. This generated a significant volume of affordable and targeted traffic. However, due to the low quality of our landing page, we were unable to achieve the desired results initially.

Subsequently, we focused on refining our own landing page. By directing traffic to a survey that highlighted the benefits of modular homes, coupled with a high-quality advertising campaign and conversion-optimized landing page, we began acquiring leads at a cost ranging from $3 to $5. Remarkably, these leads translated into sales for a product priced at €60,000. The sales department corroborated the quality of these leads, validating the success of our approach.

Our case study on selling modular homes in the Czech Republic showcases an effective digital marketing strategy tailored to engage with the target audience through four touchpoints in advertising. Leveraging tools like Google Ads and Meta Ads, we optimized our…
Promotion of an international online store selling hobby goods A structure of advertising campaigns has been developed to interact with the audience at each stage of the funnel: Cold traffic, Remarketing, Upselling The peculiarity of the project is the high…