PPC advertising in Google

Google Ads

Search text and image ads on the Google Network allow you to show ads only to the most interested audience in your product, which attracts a large flow of new customers at a low cost. We are an official partner of Google and each of our clients receives a promotional coupon of up to $ 150 for advertising in this system.

Pay per click
Increase sales
Big reach

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords)
Is an advertising tool that allows you to place your ads on the Google search results page. Google ads may appear at the top, bottom, and side of the search results page.
Contextual advertising on Google is a great opportunity to attract new customers. Google Ads allows you to place ads in the form of text ads in the Google search engine, in the form of graphic banners on partner sites. Contextual advertising Google Ads allows you to show ads only to the most interested audience in your product, which allows you to receive a large flow of new customers at a low cost.
Ads on Google Ads divided into the following areas:
Google Search Ads:
Text ads above and below search results
Product listing ads in product image format, price and name above search results or to the right of it
Display advertising on sites:
Banner advertising in the form of graphic, text and animated images on partner sites, including Youtube and applications
Video Advertising – Youtube
Youtube video ad
Promotion of mobile applications in the Play Market:
Allows you to promote mobile applications on the Play Market platform and within the applications themselves connected to the Adsense affiliate program
We are a certified Google partner. Thanks to this, you can be sure that you trust the professionals, as well as each of our clients has the right to receive a promotional coupon of up to $ 150 for advertising in the Google Ads system.

Get your Profitable step by step digital strategy for Free
Answer only 3 questions and in addition to the strategy we will give you a 15% discount for our services
What is your marketing goal?
Get more calls and requests from clients
Get more calls and requests from clients
Improve sales
Improve sales
Increase brand recognition
Increase brand recognition
Application installs
Application installs
How do you want to promote?
Social media
Social media
Search engine: Google Ads, Bing
Search engine: Google Ads, Bing
Waiting for your recommendations
Waiting for your recommendations
How much do you plan to spend on advertising per month?
Enter your website address
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I agree to the processing of my personal data X100 DIGITAL SP. Z.O.O. with a registered office in Warsaw, ul. Złota 61/100, 00-819, to respond to a request for a service. The provision of data is voluntary but necessary to process the request. Detailed information on the purposes of processing personal data and the rights of the persons to whom this data belongs can be found in our privacy policy

Our cases
Ads for e-commerce Poland

Ads for e-commerce Poland

The task was to keep ROAS not lower than 3.5 We prepared banners on our own: static, dynamic, video. We set up analytics and gathered the target audience ready to buy our product. Launchin...
Lead generation European Recruiting Company

Lead generation European Recruiting Company

Lead generation for a European company since the start of the pandemic. We launched a large number of advertising campaigns on social networks, developing dozens of static and dynamic creatives....
x100 PPC Facebook+Google Ads Event Promotion

x100 PPC Facebook+Google Ads Event Promotion

Global marketing campaign in Poland. More than 6 months of collaboration and 8 cities in Poland. During project, we launched banner ads on sites in the Google advertising network, search adverti...
Ads for e-commerce Poland

Ads for e-commerce Poland

The task was to keep ROAS not lower than 3.5 We prepared banners on our own: static, dynamic, video. We set up analytics and gathered the target audience ready to buy our product. Launchin...
Google Ads for eCommerce Poland-Germany

Google Ads for eCommerce Poland-Germany

The main objective was to increase and improve the performance of advertising campaigns in Google ads Advertising campaigns for low, medium and high frequencies were created. Shopping campaigns ...
(RU) Масштабирование eCommerce на европейские рынки

(RU) Масштабирование eCommerce на европейские рынки

(RU) Затраты
(RU) 11590
(RU) Прибыль
(RU) 93381
(RU) 8.05
Реклама для европейского магазина товаров для дома, который продавал свои товары на территории Польши, Чехии, Венгрии и Румынии Нами была разработана структура взаимодействия и разработаны рекла...
Our clients